Financial Ratios Complete List and Guide to All Financial Ratios
Earnings per share (EPS) is a measure of the profitability of a company. With this firm, it is hard to analyze the company’s debt management ratios without industry data. We don’t know if XYZ is a manufacturing firm or a different type of firm. It is not being used efficiently to generate sales for the company. In addition, the company has to service the plant and equipment, pay for breakdowns, and perhaps pay interest on loans to buy it through long-term debt. In other words, customers are paying their bills more quickly.
Some of these assets might be better used to invest in the company or to pay shareholder dividends. The last group of financial ratios that business owners usually tackle are the profitability ratios as they are the summary ratios of the 13 ratio group. They tell the business firm how they are doing on cost control, efficient use of assets, and debt management, which are three crucial areas of the business. There are three debt management ratios that help a business owner evaluate the company in light of its asset base and earning power.
Asset Turnover Ratio
Solvency ratios are mainly used by governments, banks, employees, and institutional investors. The management of a company can also use financial ratio analysis to determine the degree of efficiency in the management of assets and liabilities. Inefficient use of assets such as motor vehicles, land, and building results in unnecessary expenses that ought to be eliminated. Financial ratios can also help to determine if the financial resources are over- or under-utilized. Its calculation subtracts inventory from current assets before they’re divided by current liabilities. This ratio can present better insight into the short-term liquidity of the firm because of the exclusion of inventory.
Leverage ratios analyze the amount of capital a company has coming from debt and if there is potential for risk. In this section below, we’ll walk through the main financial ratios contained within the 5 categories. Financial ratios are used by the investment community to analyze a company’s finances.
Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio
In this formula, liabilities represent money the company owes. Equity represents assets minus liabilities or the company’s book value. This ratio tells investors how much debt a company has in relation to how much equity it holds.
It’s the balance between the profits passed on to shareholders as dividends and the profits the company keeps. Price-to-earnings ratio or P/E helps investors determine whether a company’s stock price is low or high compared to other companies or to its own past performance. More specifically, the price-to-earnings ratio can give you a sense of how expensive a stock is relative to its competitors, or how the stock’s price is trending over time. Solvency ratios measure a company’s long-term financial viability. These ratios compare the debt levels of a company to its assets, equity, or annual earnings. The current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.
Example: Price-to-Earnings
Understanding what financial ratios tell you and how to calculate them can give you greater confidence in your investment decisions and help you avoid investment mistakes. Liquidity relates to how quickly a company can repay its debts. A net profit margin of 1, or 100%, means a company is converting all of its revenue to net income.
- This ratio can offer creditors insight into a company’s cash flow and debt situation.
- If your inventory turnover is rising, that means you are selling your products faster.
- The current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.
- One of the leading ratios used by investors for a quick check of profitability is the net profit margin.
- These ratios convey how well a company can generate profits from its operations.